Fantasy Top has the highest daily NFT sales at $1.8 million


The Fantasy Top collection drives daily purchases in the NFT market, while the Ethereum blockchain maintains its dominance.

On Sunday, the Fantasy Top collection dominated the market for non-fungible token (NFT) sales, raking in US$1.8 million, as reported by CryptoSlam.

Every day, 3,430 vendors and 2,155 purchasers transacted 8,610 items in this collection. After taking the most recent numbers into consideration, Fantasy Top’s total sales have surpassed US$46.13 million.

The developers of the Blur NFT marketplace also run Blast, an Ethereum layer-2 chain, where Fantasy Top engages in deals. According to CryptoSlam’s daily blockchain rankings, Blast came in at number four, with the majority of the network’s revenues coming from Fantasy Top.

On Sunday, Ethereum took the lead with a total sales volume of $4.87 million, up slightly from $4.37 million the day before.

Guild of Guardians Avatars, a collection on the Immutable blockchain, came in at number two for the day.

Sales were $753,306, which was unchanged from the previous day’s total of $754,727. The day’s total sales for immutable blockchain were $876,524.

The third-ranked collection, DMarket, saw a little drop in sales, going from $759,148 to $742,298. DMarket’s daily sales volume was US$765,072, and it’s all because to the Mythos Chain.

Bored Ape Yacht Club and Azuki are two other collections that underwent substantial alterations. From $95,292 to $432,296 in sales, Azuki jumped to number four, while Bored Ape Yacht Club jumped from number five to number five as well, from $230,925 to $305,883.

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