Google Shows Developers Gemini 1.5 Models That Are Faster and Cheaper


In an effort to enhance the effectiveness of app development and lower production costs, Google has introduced two stable versions of its Gemini 1.5 API models.

When compared to their predecessors, the Gemini 1.5 Pro and Gemini 1.5 Flash models demonstrate improved performance in a variety of domains, including code creation, mathematics, reasoning, and video analysis. These models were introduced on September 24.

While the price of the Gemini 1.5 Pro has been dropped by more than half, the new versions provide quicker processing, improved accuracy, and decreased latency. Additionally, the price has been reduced. By boosting rate limitations and reducing the prices of tokens for shorter prompts, these enhancements intend to make the application programming interface (API) more accessible to third-party applications.

Understanding several languages, generating SQL, and managing audio and documents are all areas in which both models have shown significant improvement. For the purpose of improving efficiency, Google has improved the chat capabilities of the API while simultaneously shortening the length of summaries.

In addition, a more compact and experimental variant of the Gemini 1.5 Flash model, which has been given the name Flash-8B, has been shown.

In order to place Google in a competitive position in the artificial intelligence field, developers can now access these upgrades via Google AI Studio and the Gemini API. This comes at a time when OpenAI is rolling out its new voice capabilities for ChatGPT.

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