OpenAI works with the same lab that made the atomic bomb


Los Alamos National Laboratory, which conducts research in disciplines such as national security, space exploration, renewable energy, and medical, is engaging in a partnership with OpenAI.

OpenAI is collaborating with Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), the laboratory that constructed the world’s first nuclear weapon, to investigate the application of AI in bioscience research.

OpenAI announced on July 9 that it was collaborating with the laboratory’s bioscience division to assess the potential of AI models, including GPT-4o, to aid scientists in completing tasks in a physical laboratory.

According to OpenAI, this encompasses biological safety evaluations for GPT-4o and its unreleased real-time vocal systems in order to comprehend their potential applications in bioscience research.

Established in 1943, the sole objective of LANL was to develop and construct the world’s first atomic weapon. The laboratory’s primary focus was on high-level military research for nearly 50 years. However, it transitioned to civilian research and development after the conclusion of the Cold War in 1991.

Currently, the bioscience division of LANL is engaged in a diverse array of research endeavors, such as the development of vaccines, the study of sustainability biotechnology, the influence of climate change on the advent of diseases, and the development of various methods for biothreat detection.

GPT4o is the most recent, “multimodal” large language model from OpenAI. It enables users to engage in real-time conversations with the chatbot using voice, imagery, and text.

The partnership’s mandate delineates responsibilities including cell transformation, which entails the introduction of foreign genetic material into a host organism, cell culture, and cell separation.

The upcoming partnership, according to OpenAI, will expand upon its previous bioscience work in two primary dimensions. This includes the integration of “wet lab techniques,” which entail the training of models to aid in the execution of more intricate tasks such as mass spectrometry.

Furthermore, the AI company announced that its research would concentrate on the development of novel “modalities” of AI application in the laboratory. The voice and visual inputs of GPT-4o will create new pathways to “potentially accelerate learning” among scientists.

The laboratory’s collaboration with the artificial intelligence firm would enhance its ongoing research on biothreat dangers, according to the company.

Microsoft and Apple, among other large technology companies, are beginning to distance themselves from the AI startup in response to the increasing regulatory concerns. This new partnership is the result of these evolving circumstances.

Just one year after Microsoft invested $13 billion in OpenAI, the Windows software company announced its withdrawal from the board in a letter to the company on July 10.

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