Man Looses Bitcoin Over a Date Gone Wrong


Dating apps are also vulnerable to scams that appear to be affecting the bitcoin industry. Casa’s Jameson Lopp’s had shared a recent blog post that describes a strange and dangerous attempt to steal a man’s valuable bitcoin holdings.

The blog further explained how to find a person’s date through the mobile app Tinder. The conversation started with a woman who claims to be a “cryptocurrency trader” according to her profile. The two exchanged pleasures and eventually met in person.

Things went awry until the two decided the man should return to the apartment. According to the note, “While he was there, we suspected that our client’s drink was mixed with ‘devil’s breath’ or benzodiazepine. These drugs cause contraceptive damage and memory loss. ”

In addition to being illegal in almost every state, giving drugs to an individual is an encroachment on their health, privacy, and personal decision-making. The woman’s next activity was to pick up the man’s phone and access it.

Soon after a while when the man gathered his senses together he noticed that he could not find his phone with him while his other monetary belongings such as cash, debit cards, and other IDs were still in place with him.

The man also claimed that a small amount of bitcoin from his holding was missing, as this attack on a bitcoin adds up to a list of previous physical attacks on bitcoin holders.

While adding this to the list of attacks that happened in the past, Lopp encouraged the people out there who have been a victim of such an incident and said that, please reach out to us with your story.

The reason he states behind his actions is that he thinks that gaining knowledge from the previous attack vectors can help in better understanding and since the physical security of all Bitcoin holders could be greatly improved through this collective knowledge.

Read also: Soon Decentralized App Stores Will take Crypto Towards More Centralization

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