Florida Governor Ron DeSantis warns that Biden wishes to “eliminate crypto”


Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida and a potential presidential candidate in 2020 claimed that some individuals ‘want to get clear of crypto.’

Legislation to prohibit digital currencies issued by central banks in the state, according to DeSantis this week.

Legislation against a centralized digital currency is making its way through the Florida legislature and may be on Governor Ron DeSantis’ desk within the “next couple of weeks,” according to DeSantis.

DeSantis declared at a news conference on May 2 that “Florida rejects the idea of a central bank digital currency.” “You could be fined, and they’ll simply deduct the amount from your digital currency, with no due process or anything of the sort. Therefore, it provides the government a tremendous level of control over your economic autonomy and independence.”

The Republican is a fervent opponent of government-issued digital currencies, but in the past, he has expressed support for decentralized cryptocurrencies.

Potential presidential contender Ron DeSantis has previously said that Vice President Joe Biden is interested in the technology for “surveillance and control.” In March, he initially declared the legislation that would prohibit centralized digital currencies in the state.

His remarks on Tuesday came amid pervasive discussion of what has been perceived by some as a comprehensive assault on the cryptocurrency industry by the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States. The U.S.-listed cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase is challenging the regulator and demanding clear rules.

In an email answer to concerns, DeSantis’ press office stated he meant “those such as the Biden Administration.” The governor made these claims in a speech on Tuesday, claiming that an “elite” group was imposing their will via their access to “a lot of financial might, a lot of business resources, corporate resources.”

DeSantis stated that pending legislation in Florida would provide anticipatory protection against a digital currency issued by the U.S. central bank, even though such a currency does not yet exist.

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